Nick Lucas

The Crooning Troubadour and His Guitar
Michael R. Pitts

I could say that from start to finish this Nick Lucas biography is a page turner. Howerver, I'd rather tell you about how it whisks you through learning about ten year old Dominic playing music in saloons until 4:00 a.m. on a school night, to a teenage Nick Lucas (name change) recording on early cylinders with THE Thomas Edison, to his exciting vaudeville years and beyond. You will get to know Nick through the thoughtful and engaging writing of his personal friend and author, Michael R. Pitts, in this McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers soft cover biography.

Other content in the book includes an extensive discography of Nick's, as well as a list of his songbooks, song folios, sheet music, filmography, radio, television and stage shows. A comprehensive biography covering Nick Lucas' career. Soft cover 248 pages.

More information can be found through the publisher's website: and also Nick Lucas' website:

Review by Robert Perkins


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